Journals Information
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 11(1), pp. 174 - 184
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2023.110117
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Water Power Characterization of an Agricultural Irrigation Canal in Malatgao and Batang-Batang Rivers, Palawan, Philippines
Jibsam F. Andres 1,2,*
1 Engineering Graduate Program, School of Engineering, University of San Carlos, Talamban Campus, Cebu City, 6000, Philippines
2 College of Engineering and Technology, Western Philippines University, Aborlan, Palawan 5302, Philippines
The existence of irrigation canals in the Philippines for a decade was purposely constructed for agricultural use only. Because of the energy shortage, which was noted through the frequent power interruption in Palawan, Philippines, this study determines the possibility of utilizing existing agricultural irrigation canals as a source of electrical energy specifically in Malatgao, Batang-Batang Irrigation System (MBBRIS) of the National Irrigation Administration. MBBRIS covers irrigation canals of Batang-Batang, Malatgao North, Malatgao South, Manaile and Tigman which are located in the municipalities of Aborlan and Narra, Palawan, Philippines. The irrigation waters of these five (5) canals were characterized by its water power capacity considering the past twelve (12) years available irrigations heads and the 40% of time the diverted water discharge equaled or exceeded. Results show that Batang-Batang irrigation canal has a power capacity of 297.49 kW, Malatgao North irrigation canal of 53.59 kW, Malatgao South irrigation canal of 55.05 kW, Manaile irrigation canal of 27.13 kW and Tigman irrigation canal of 6.89 kW. Of the five (5) irrigation canals, Manaile Irrigation is located closest to consumers as its main canal is located next to the village. Though the considered area of the study shows mostly less than a hundred kW, this study recommends an installation of turbines applicable for small-scale generation of energy, which could be installed in series or in parallel along irrigation canals. This system could increase the irrigation canals’ power capacity without requiring either additional water head or water discharge.
Water Discharge, Irrigation Canal, Energy, Water Power
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Jibsam F. Andres , "Water Power Characterization of an Agricultural Irrigation Canal in Malatgao and Batang-Batang Rivers, Palawan, Philippines," Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 174 - 184, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2023.110117.
(b). APA Format:
Jibsam F. Andres (2023). Water Power Characterization of an Agricultural Irrigation Canal in Malatgao and Batang-Batang Rivers, Palawan, Philippines. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 11(1), 174 - 184. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2023.110117.