Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 11(2), pp. 1059 - 1082
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110238
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Methodology and Acoustic Measurement Campaign of Road Noise: Case of the Agdal District – Rabat City

Adil Ammar *, Mohammed Garoum , Abdelmajid Bybi
Materials, Energy and Acoustics Team, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Rabat, Morocco


In this work, sound pressure levels of road traffic on about twenty selected locations in the Agdal District in Rabat City were carried out. The traffic consists mainly of light vehicles with similar characteristics. All measurements were performed in 1/3 octave with an integration step of 20 ms during the period of 15 days from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. This large amount of data allowed the reconstruction of the spectrograms using a script written in Mathematica language. An interesting result obtained concerns the basic interval required to have a sufficiently representative equivalent level. Indeed, the calculations have shown that about 20 min of measurements are sufficient. This confirms the result already mentioned in our previous work. This result will therefore make it possible to optimize the measurement period during the campaign, in particular for locations where the number of locations is high or the quantity of recordings is large. Frequency analysis revealed spectrum similarities between two locations of different traffic intensities, but of similar composition. This observation is also observed over the different periods of the day (morning, afternoon, evening). In addition, an estimate of the inconvenience felt by local residents was made on the basis of the Lden estimated from the measured L50. It emerges that, for the majority of the locations subject to the measurements, the percentages of very inconvenienced and inconvenienced people are above 20% and 30% respectively. This result corroborates the results of our previous survey.

Annoyance, Sound Pressure Level, Lden, Acoustic Measurement, Road Noise

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[1] Adil Ammar , Mohammed Garoum , Abdelmajid Bybi , "Methodology and Acoustic Measurement Campaign of Road Noise: Case of the Agdal District – Rabat City," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 1059 - 1082, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110238.

(b). APA Format:
Adil Ammar , Mohammed Garoum , Abdelmajid Bybi (2023). Methodology and Acoustic Measurement Campaign of Road Noise: Case of the Agdal District – Rabat City. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 11(2), 1059 - 1082. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110238.