Journals Information
Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 11(2), pp. 733 - 740
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110215
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Organization of an Architectural Environment Based on Spatial and Constructive Modules in a Severely Continental Climate
Alla Aleksandrovna Kornilova , Seimur Etibar ogly Mamedov , Gani Aitbayevich Karabayev *, Yevgeniya Mikhaylovna Khorovetskaya , Yelena Vladimirovna Shlyakhtich
Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Republic of Kazakhstan
The development of modern cities is impossible without planning the architectural environment in the urban structure in the context of the climatic conditions of a region and the factors influencing this process. The greatest planning efficiency is achieved through the efficient use of capital investments in the urban structure and well-founded decisions on the formation of a comfortable architectural environment with due regard to the historical development of settlements, national traditions, local characteristics, and landscape. The main problem for architects designing objects located in a sharply continental climate is the search for architectural solutions and development models that would create a comfortable environment in conditions of a large amount of precipitation, aggressive sun, complex wind patterns, and a large temperature range (low in winter and high in summer). This study is aimed at understanding the relationship "man – space – habitat" and identifying more advanced directions and principles in the formation of the architectural environment. The principles of constructing a conceptual and theoretical framework allowed the authors to propose a model and optimize the decisions made in a specific urban planning situation. The spatial and constructive module proposed in the work demonstrates wide architectural possibilities in the formation of a comfortable socially-oriented architectural environment in a sharply continental climate. The introduction of the proposed modularity will ensure the transition to the sustainable development of society and improve the comfortable environment for finding and living people and the ecological situation in the study area.
Architectural Environment, Spatial Planning, Space Structures, Comfortable Conditions, Constructive Module, Conditions, Factors, Principles, Model
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[1] Alla Aleksandrovna Kornilova , Seimur Etibar ogly Mamedov , Gani Aitbayevich Karabayev , Yevgeniya Mikhaylovna Khorovetskaya , Yelena Vladimirovna Shlyakhtich , "Organization of an Architectural Environment Based on Spatial and Constructive Modules in a Severely Continental Climate," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 733 - 740, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110215.
(b). APA Format:
Alla Aleksandrovna Kornilova , Seimur Etibar ogly Mamedov , Gani Aitbayevich Karabayev , Yevgeniya Mikhaylovna Khorovetskaya , Yelena Vladimirovna Shlyakhtich (2023). Organization of an Architectural Environment Based on Spatial and Constructive Modules in a Severely Continental Climate. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 11(2), 733 - 740. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2023.110215.