International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences Vol. 11(1), pp. 10 - 19
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2023.110102
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Can Running Speed and Aerobic Endurance Be Affected after 4 weeks of In-season Running-based HIIT of Different Modes?

Andrea Domčeková *, Jaromír Šimonek , Igor Bakaľár , Janka Kanásová , Bohumila Krčmárová , Matúš Krčmár
Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Education, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Nitra, Slovakia


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 4-weeks high-intensity interval training with short interval 15s/15s in three modes - linear (straight-line runs), shuttle and combined. Each group performed 2 x 4 minutes runs at 95-105% of VIFT. Eighteen male young soccer players participated in the present study. Before commencing the experiment, the participants were randomly divided into three HIIT groups: linear (n=6), combined (n=6) and shuttle (n=6). Players completed the 30 m sprint test, 505 COD test and the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (30-15 IFT) before and after the experiment. Results show significant improvements from pre- to post-training only in the 505 COD test (left) (p < 0.05) and 30-15 IFT test (p < 0.05) in the combined and shuttle group. No significant differences were observed between the groups in any measured outcome. In conclusion, all HIIT modes performed in 4-weeks period led to improvements in aerobic endurance, speed performance and change of direction speed. In the combined group, we observed the most significant improvement in aerobic endurance and speed performance and in change of direction speed we noticed the best progress in the shuttle group.

High-intensity Interval Training, Football, Straight-line, Shuttle Runs

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Andrea Domčeková , Jaromír Šimonek , Igor Bakaľár , Janka Kanásová , Bohumila Krčmárová , Matúš Krčmár , "Can Running Speed and Aerobic Endurance Be Affected after 4 weeks of In-season Running-based HIIT of Different Modes?," International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 10 - 19, 2023. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2023.110102.

(b). APA Format:
Andrea Domčeková , Jaromír Šimonek , Igor Bakaľár , Janka Kanásová , Bohumila Krčmárová , Matúš Krčmár (2023). Can Running Speed and Aerobic Endurance Be Affected after 4 weeks of In-season Running-based HIIT of Different Modes?. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 11(1), 10 - 19. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2023.110102.