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Universal Journal of Public Health Vol. 10(6), pp. 576 - 580
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2022.100604
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Impact of Exposure to Carbon Monoxide on COHb Levels and Health Problems on Swords and Parking Attendants in A Parking Area at the Bandar Lampung Market, Indonesia
Purbianto Purbianto 1,*, Khayan Khayan 2
1 Study Program of Profession, Nursing Major, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Banten, 42121, Serang, Indonesia
2 Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Banten, 42121, Serang, Indonesia
Carbon monoxide (CO) pollution to the environment hurts health. The ability of Hb to bind CO is stronger than O2, which hurts humans in a CO-polluted environment. This condition impacts CO levels in the body and increases with low oxygen levels in the blood. The CO content in the body that exceeds the threshold triggers symptoms of headaches, prolonged fatigue, and even death. This study aimed to determine the effect of exposure to CO in free air with levels of COHb and health complaints on parking attendants and traders in the lower market terminal of Bandar Lampung City. This study used a retrospective cohort design. The population in this study were traders and parking attendants who worked at the Pasar Bawah Terminal in Bandar Lampung City, amounting to 152 people, and parking attendants totaling 35 people divided into two shifts. The sample size is 127 people. Data were taken from measuring COHb levels and using a questionnaire regarding health complaints that respondents often felt. Data analysis used chi-square. The average exposure to CO levels in the market terminal under the basement of the Tanjungkarang supermarket was 23.68 ppm, with the highest level of 25.87 ppm. Most of the respondents are male, aged over 35 years, and have worked for more than three years. Most respondents do not wear masks when working in the exposure area; the COHb level in the blood is above 5%, and most have complaints of health problems. There is a significant relationship between COHb levels in the blood with CO exposure, length of work, and health problems and no significant association with age and habits of using personal protective equipment (PPE).
Exposure, Carbon Monoxide, Gas
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Purbianto Purbianto , Khayan Khayan , "Impact of Exposure to Carbon Monoxide on COHb Levels and Health Problems on Swords and Parking Attendants in A Parking Area at the Bandar Lampung Market, Indonesia," Universal Journal of Public Health, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 576 - 580, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2022.100604.
(b). APA Format:
Purbianto Purbianto , Khayan Khayan (2022). Impact of Exposure to Carbon Monoxide on COHb Levels and Health Problems on Swords and Parking Attendants in A Parking Area at the Bandar Lampung Market, Indonesia. Universal Journal of Public Health, 10(6), 576 - 580. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2022.100604.