Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 10(10), pp. 553 - 569
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2022.101002
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The Influence of Demographic Factors on the Ability to Research and Innovate among Primary and Secondary School Teachers

Guangming Wang 1, Dongli Zhang 2,*, Yueyuan Kang 1, Nan Zhang 1, Jingxian Shen 1, Fenglei Li 1
1 Faculty of Education, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, 300387, China
2 Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, Qinghai Normal University, Xining, 810008, China


This study mainly discusses the ability to research and innovate of primary and secondary school teachers in China. Stratified sampling was used to investigate 4,661 primary and secondary school teachers from 36 schools in a selected municipality directly under China's central government. The research team used a survey questionnaire with high reliability and validity to assess teachers' ability to research and innovate. With the demographic data of teachers, this paper analyzes the overall level and group differences of teachers' ability to research and innovate. Descriptive statistics, sample mean comparison T-test and one-way ANVOA were used to determine the factors that affect teachers' ability to research and innovate. The results show that Chinese primary and secondary school teachers have good ability to research and innovate, and the ability to teach and research is higher than that of the ability to innovate in education. Differences in teachers' educational background, history of formal teaching education and professional titles would cause significant difference on teachers' ability to research and innovate, but with a small effect size. There are significant differences in ability to research and innovate among teachers serving different school segments, with a size of effect between small and medium. Gender, age and years of teaching have no significant influence on teachers' ability to research and innovate.

Primary and Secondary School Teachers, Research and Innovation Ability, Teacher Professional Development

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Guangming Wang , Dongli Zhang , Yueyuan Kang , Nan Zhang , Jingxian Shen , Fenglei Li , "The Influence of Demographic Factors on the Ability to Research and Innovate among Primary and Secondary School Teachers," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 553 - 569, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2022.101002.

(b). APA Format:
Guangming Wang , Dongli Zhang , Yueyuan Kang , Nan Zhang , Jingxian Shen , Fenglei Li (2022). The Influence of Demographic Factors on the Ability to Research and Innovate among Primary and Secondary School Teachers. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 10(10), 553 - 569. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2022.101002.