Journals Information
Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 10(6), pp. 2764 - 2778
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100639
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Urbanization, Pubs and the Quality of Low Density Residential Neighbourhoods in Benin City, Nigeria
Kingsley Okechukwu Dimuna *, Monoyoren Emmanuel Omatsone , Abumere Akhanolu , Lucky Osavuogbe Edokpolo , Regina Omondiale
Department of Architecture, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria
One of the most challenging phenomena confronting urban design professionals is the increasing rate of urbanization in the world especially in the developing countries. The impact of urbanization has been both positive and negative on the built environment. Evidence of the impact of urbanization process could be seen in the location of pubs within residential neighbourhoods in Benin City. This study assesses this development in terms of the physical, social, and environmental development of the study area. The study relied on quantitative and qualitative data collected from 23 pubs through administration of structured questionnaires, observations and interviews in the research area. Data were analysed using the structured equation modelling (SEM) and content analysis techniques respectively. The Path analysis shows that urbanization has a positive impact on pubs and this relationship is significant at 5%. The result implies that the increases in the number of pubs in the study area have been facilitated by the magnitude of urbanization. However, the path analysis from Pubs on residential satisfaction reflected a negative coefficient which suggests that, the effect of pubs on residential neighbourhoods is negative and this is significant at 5%. The study concludes that indiscriminate location of pubs within low density residential neighbourhoods has negative effect on easement. Recommendations that may enhance sustainable living built environment are suggested.
Built Environment, Pubs, Residential Neighbourhood, Spatial Location, Urbanization
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Kingsley Okechukwu Dimuna , Monoyoren Emmanuel Omatsone , Abumere Akhanolu , Lucky Osavuogbe Edokpolo , Regina Omondiale , "Urbanization, Pubs and the Quality of Low Density Residential Neighbourhoods in Benin City, Nigeria," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 2764 - 2778, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100639.
(b). APA Format:
Kingsley Okechukwu Dimuna , Monoyoren Emmanuel Omatsone , Abumere Akhanolu , Lucky Osavuogbe Edokpolo , Regina Omondiale (2022). Urbanization, Pubs and the Quality of Low Density Residential Neighbourhoods in Benin City, Nigeria. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 10(6), 2764 - 2778. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100639.