Journals Information
Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 10(6), pp. 2669 - 2685
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100632
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The Effect of Directing Architectural Spaces towards Astronomy on Living Organisms: An Experimental Study on Chlorella Vulgaris Algae
N. M. Mahmoud 1,*, H. H. Azmi 1, O. Fatehe 2, M. S. EL-Sawy 3
1 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
2 History of the Medieval Astronomy BOD Member, Egyptian Society for Astronomy, Egypt
3 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Misr International University, Egypt
It has been noted that ancient civilizations, like the Ancient Greeks, Babylonians, and the Ancient Egyptians, were interested in directing buildings towards astronomy. This directive represents a mystery that the modern architect could not understand, which rompted the research to deal with this problem experimentally to prove whether or not there was an effect of architectural spaces oriented towards astronomy on living organisms. Accordingly, this experiment was implemented on microorganisms such as algae of the type (Chlorella Vulgaris) by designing spaces and then directing them towards astronomy at times with unique characteristics being chosen and directed to it, and placing algae in them to study the changes that occurred in them as a result of placing them in those spaces. The experiment concluded that there was a clear relevance between directed spaces according to astronomical parameters and the well-being of living organisms. The search objective was to reach an answer to the research question, is there any importance to the effect of directing architectural spaces toward astronomy or not on living organisms? And why? The research results showed the importance of orientation towards astronomy, as it was in all previous civilizations, and the absence of this importance at present. The choice of building construction time and the guidance of the astronomer enhance the required purpose of the building and increase its efficiency and the efficiency of its users. The Scientific addition to research showed that the main value of the research is proving the effect of directing architectural spaces towards astronomy on living organism using an experimental study on microorganisms, it was found that there is an important effect of space that is oriented to astronomy on living organisms to raise its efficiency and the efficiency of its users.
Architecture, Astronomy, Directing Temples and Pyramids, Directing Buildings, Microorganisms, Algae
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] N. M. Mahmoud , H. H. Azmi , O. Fatehe , M. S. EL-Sawy , "The Effect of Directing Architectural Spaces towards Astronomy on Living Organisms: An Experimental Study on Chlorella Vulgaris Algae," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 2669 - 2685, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100632.
(b). APA Format:
N. M. Mahmoud , H. H. Azmi , O. Fatehe , M. S. EL-Sawy (2022). The Effect of Directing Architectural Spaces towards Astronomy on Living Organisms: An Experimental Study on Chlorella Vulgaris Algae. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 10(6), 2669 - 2685. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100632.