Journals Information
Food Science and Technology Vol. 10(4), pp. 121 - 126
DOI: 10.13189/fst.2022.100401
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Protein Enriched Noodles Using Aramang Powder
Lenimfa P. Molina 1,*, Loryn G. Amog 2, Eunice S. Daluddung 2, Simeon R. Rabanal, Jr. 3, Raschil M. Battung 1
1 College of Hospitality Management, Cagayan State University, Philippines
2 Campus Research, Development & Extension, Cagayan State University, Philippines
3 College of Graduate School, Cagayan State University, Philippines
The study generally aimed to formulate noodles enriched with aramang powder and evaluate the acceptability. It specifically aimed to determine the sensory qualities of the formulated noodles as to the color, odor, and taste, and determine the consumer's acceptability. Three noodles formulations were prepared as follows: treatment 1 (with the addition of 5 grams aramang powder), treatment 2 (with the addition of 10 grams aramang powder and treatment 3 (with the addition of 15 grams aramang powder). Sensory evaluation was done using 10 semi-trained laboratory panelists to evaluate the quality of the product. Consumer acceptability was also conducted using 50 consumer respondents to determine the acceptability of the product. Results of the study revealed that there is a significant difference in color, odor, taste and general acceptability of the noodles enriched with aramang powder using the three (3) concentrations of aramang powder. Based on the result of the sensory test (sensory evaluation), treatment 3 using 15 grams of aramang powder was the best having the following qualities/ attributes slightly dark cream in color, slightly strong aramang odor, and moderately strong aramang taste with overall acceptability of "liked very much" with a likeness score of 6.92. The level of acceptability of the newly formulated protein-enriched noodles was evaluated as "liked very much", with a mean score of 6.92.
Aramang Powder, Noodles, Sensory Qualities, Consumer's Acceptability
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Lenimfa P. Molina , Loryn G. Amog , Eunice S. Daluddung , Simeon R. Rabanal, Jr. , Raschil M. Battung , "Protein Enriched Noodles Using Aramang Powder," Food Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 121 - 126, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/fst.2022.100401.
(b). APA Format:
Lenimfa P. Molina , Loryn G. Amog , Eunice S. Daluddung , Simeon R. Rabanal, Jr. , Raschil M. Battung (2022). Protein Enriched Noodles Using Aramang Powder. Food Science and Technology, 10(4), 121 - 126. DOI: 10.13189/fst.2022.100401.