Journals Information
Environment and Ecology Research Vol. 10(4), pp. 484 - 496
DOI: 10.13189/eer.2022.100407
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The Life Cycle Installation Assessment of Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Indian Sub-Continent
Manvendra Singh Chauhan 1, Shiwanshu Shekhar 2,*, Atul Kumar Rahul 2, Santosh Kumar 2, Rishi Srivastava 2, Akash Priyadarshee 2
1 Holy Mary Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad-501301, India
2 Muzaffarpur Institute of Technology, Muzaffarpur-842003, India
The life cycle installation process for wastewater treatment is the advanced treatment assessment measure for the wastewater treatment and reuse of water resources. Utilizing the methods and concepts of "Life Cycle Assessment" for wastewater treatment and reuse of water is carried out using LCA software like Umberto, SimaPro, Gabi, etc based on the infirmity of calculations of "Life Cycle Inventory Data". LCA method helps in analyzing the various emissions and impacts of the "wastewater treatment plant" (or WWTP). A secondary data analysis study is designed on the basis of various data and information collected from 15 research papers with applicable and defined sources on wastewater treatment plants in India and LCA method. The data analysis configured the positive impact of the researched categories. LCA data analysis provided the idea that positive effects tend to override the negative impacts of recycling wastewater treatment process. The assessed categories for LCA data analysis are "global warming potential", "eco-toxicity potential", "fossil depletion potential" "particulate matter formation" and so on, which are highlighted in this project. The negative impacts can be associated with the effects of untreated sewage and compost produced by the "wastewater treatment process". The project analyses and evaluates the various aspects of the "life cycle assessment" application in the "wastewater treatment plants" in the Indian subcontinent. This is done particularly in the Madurai city, of the Indian subcontinent. The LCA assessment highlights the environmental impact of the water purification processes adopted in the mentioned waterplant. The ecological impact is measured on various scales like "ecological toxicity", "marine toxicity", "freshwater Eutrophication" etc. Similarly, the assessment highlights the impacts on the resources like fossil fuels, and most importantly on the human health. In addition, the project also highlights the various mitigation measures and techniques to increase the ecological efficiency of the wastewater processes.
LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), WSS (Water supply system), WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant), LCI (Life Cycle Inventory), ISO (International Standard Organization)
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Manvendra Singh Chauhan , Shiwanshu Shekhar , Atul Kumar Rahul , Santosh Kumar , Rishi Srivastava , Akash Priyadarshee , "The Life Cycle Installation Assessment of Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Indian Sub-Continent," Environment and Ecology Research, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 484 - 496, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2022.100407.
(b). APA Format:
Manvendra Singh Chauhan , Shiwanshu Shekhar , Atul Kumar Rahul , Santosh Kumar , Rishi Srivastava , Akash Priyadarshee (2022). The Life Cycle Installation Assessment of Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Indian Sub-Continent. Environment and Ecology Research, 10(4), 484 - 496. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2022.100407.