Journals Information
Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 10(6), pp. 2338 - 2351
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100609
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Bottleneck Effect Caused by Motorcyclist Presence in the Traffic Flow on Kerten Signalized Intersection
Nurul Hidayati 1,*, Rajaonarivelo Ranto Harimanana 2, Sri Sunarjono 1, Helmi Dhia Al Ghalib 2
1 Civil Engineering Master Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
2 Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
The number of motorcycles in Surakarta has been increasing dramatically since several years ago. This condition was engendering several phenomena such as bottleneck and congestion including around an intersection. This research aims to determine the repercussions of motorcycles from the viewpoint of the traffic flow, timing signal, and the driver's behavior. The traffic flow was analyzed based on the Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual, the bottleneck analysis was determined using the Yuan model, and the behavior analysis was based on descriptive statistics. The traffic flow data consisted of secondary data sourced by a Local Government and primary data from a field survey at Kerten Intersection. Behavior data were obtained from questionnaires using Google Forms and the field survey reached 300 participants. The result of the research shows that from the traffic flow and driver's behaviors point of view motorcycles are causing bottleneck and traffic congestion. It is because when motorcycle volume is added to the flow the bottleneck often exceeds 1, and the motorcycle's behavior and habits are affecting the driving's way of other riders and drivers. This research is expected to be a source of information as well as a basis for comparison for further research for authors and other researchers. This shall provide a viable data source with viability and advantages for those interested in the same subject of research.
Traffic Flow, Traffic Behaviour, Bottleneck Analysis
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Nurul Hidayati , Rajaonarivelo Ranto Harimanana , Sri Sunarjono , Helmi Dhia Al Ghalib , "Bottleneck Effect Caused by Motorcyclist Presence in the Traffic Flow on Kerten Signalized Intersection," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 2338 - 2351, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100609.
(b). APA Format:
Nurul Hidayati , Rajaonarivelo Ranto Harimanana , Sri Sunarjono , Helmi Dhia Al Ghalib (2022). Bottleneck Effect Caused by Motorcyclist Presence in the Traffic Flow on Kerten Signalized Intersection. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 10(6), 2338 - 2351. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100609.