Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 10(5A), pp. 410 - 439
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.101420
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Development of a Methodological Framework for Measuring Energy Performance of Urban Patterns in New Egyptian Communities (Toward Achieving Sustainable Urban Regeneration)

Kholoud Y. Z. Farahat 1,*, Mohamed Shehata 1, Tarek Abou El Seoud 2
1 Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Urban and Regional Planning, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt
2 Department of Environmental Planning and Infrastructure, Faculty of Urban & Regional Planning, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt


The concept of Sustainable Urban Regeneration/Retrofitting (SUR) is considered a promising approach for addressing most of the current environmental issues. Developed countries have shown a growing interest in achieving SUR in consistence with raising the efficiency of urban performance. Since the energy sector greatly impacts urban development, it is necessary to adapt new approaches & frameworks (FW) to activate Energy Efficiency (EE) in planning a new, not just Egyptian settlement. Enhancing Energy Performance of Urban Patterns (EPUP) is achieved by: (i) controlling energy consumption of urban patterns; & (ii) pursuing energy self-sufficiency. Egypt still confronts major challenges in how to manage growing consumption rates in a way that is not commensurate with the rates of growth of local production. Practical case studies confirmed the failure in applying the principles of EE in most urban pattern of new cities. Therefore, the research problem is formulated as: the current urban planning methodology in Egypt fails to consider EPUP. Consequently, this research aimed to develop a comprehensive Methodological Framework for Energy Performance Measures (MFEPM) of spatial urban patterns of new Egyptian communities. The MFEPM was developed based on the analysis of relevant Literature & comparative analysis of SUR case studies & tools, resulting in a set of indicators (checklist) to measure & minimize EE of the main urban systems forming the diverse urban patterns. Next, the suitability of the checklist for the Egyptian context was improved based on national strategies & guidelines, and through questionnaires with local stakeholders. Then, the MFEPM was tested on urban pattern samples from new Egyptian cities through an extensive qualitative analysis with GIS tools. Finally, the MFEPM will be integrated into the strategic urban planning methodology adopted by the researcher. The MFEPM assists decision makers to apply the concept of contingency planning through developing more efficient interventions to cope with the dynamic urban context.

Energy Performance, Urban Patterns, Sustainable Urban Regeneration, Retrofitting, Energy-Optimized Urban Planning - Sustainable Urban Transformation

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Kholoud Y. Z. Farahat , Mohamed Shehata , Tarek Abou El Seoud , "Development of a Methodological Framework for Measuring Energy Performance of Urban Patterns in New Egyptian Communities (Toward Achieving Sustainable Urban Regeneration)," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 10, No. 5A, pp. 410 - 439, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.101420.

(b). APA Format:
Kholoud Y. Z. Farahat , Mohamed Shehata , Tarek Abou El Seoud (2022). Development of a Methodological Framework for Measuring Energy Performance of Urban Patterns in New Egyptian Communities (Toward Achieving Sustainable Urban Regeneration). Civil Engineering and Architecture, 10(5A), 410 - 439. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.101420.