Universal Journal of Engineering Science(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 2(2), pp. 39 - 42
DOI: 10.13189/ujes.2014.020201
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Peculiarities in Setting Norms of Extraction in Underground Ining of Diamond Ore

Vokhmin Sergey Antonovich , Trebush Yury Prokopevich , Kurchin Georgy Sergeevich *, Mayorov Evgeniy Sergeevich , Zajtseva Katherine Vasilevna
Institute of mining, geology and geotechnologies of the Siberian Federal University


Methodological approach is considered in this article which refer to evaluation of reasonable ore loss and dilution in mineral extraction in underground mining of kimberlite ore deposits in mine “International” and “Mir” of OJSC “ALROSA” concerning to the of descending mining in slices and consolidating stowing in worked-out areas with mechanized (continuous) mining. This work shows us the condition of conformation loss and dilution in mining and also computation algorithm

Losses, Dilution, the Technique, Classification, Rationing, Planning, Extraction Indicators

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[1] Vokhmin Sergey Antonovich , Trebush Yury Prokopevich , Kurchin Georgy Sergeevich , Mayorov Evgeniy Sergeevich , Zajtseva Katherine Vasilevna , "Peculiarities in Setting Norms of Extraction in Underground Ining of Diamond Ore," Universal Journal of Engineering Science(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 39 - 42, 2014. DOI: 10.13189/ujes.2014.020201.

(b). APA Format:
Vokhmin Sergey Antonovich , Trebush Yury Prokopevich , Kurchin Georgy Sergeevich , Mayorov Evgeniy Sergeevich , Zajtseva Katherine Vasilevna (2014). Peculiarities in Setting Norms of Extraction in Underground Ining of Diamond Ore. Universal Journal of Engineering Science(CEASE PUBLICATION), 2(2), 39 - 42. DOI: 10.13189/ujes.2014.020201.