Journals Information
Environment and Ecology Research Vol. 10(3), pp. 392 - 397
DOI: 10.13189/eer.2022.100307
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Bioecological Edificators of Gray-Brown Soils in Ganja-Gazakh Massif (Azerbaijan)
Nasirova A. I. , Mammadova R. N. , Aliyeva M. M. , Hasanova T. A. *
National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan
Since Azerbaijan is a country with little soil, the cultivation of environmentally friendly industrial crops is very important and relevant in recent years and is one of the most important issues for soil scientists in the study of soil ecology. At present, the world has clearly defined the ecological direction in the use of natural resources, giving preference to the preservation of the natural environment and the development on this basis of resource-saving projects for the rational use of natural resources. The uniqueness of the nature of the Ganja of the Kazakh massif, as a habitat for zonal plants and animals, requires the development of modern methods for ecological assessment. The Republic of Azerbaijan is one of the most widespread countries for growing grapes. Collection orchards play an important role in the conservation of the grape gene pool. At the experimental station in Ganja, 258 native and introduced varieties are grown. The purpose of our research is to study the agrochemical and biological properties of soils of grape agrocenosis in the current ecological state of wet soils of natural cenosis, and the involvement of wet soils in agriculture. Hybrid forms like Tavkeri x Xindoqni; Tavkrevi x Gara Lkemi; Tavkveri x Medrese; Bayanshira x Saparavi; Bayanshira x Semilyon; Aloqote x Bayanshira; Sisaq x Bayanshira; Katta Kurqan x Tabrizi; Agshani x Gara shiraz; Agshani x Iskenderiyye muscat were taken as materials for research in agrocenosis. The study of phenological phases is closely connected with meteorological conditions and water regimes, which allows us to determine the need for heat, light, moisture and other elements of the external environment at different stages of the growing season. As a result of agroecological studies carried out on wet soils of natural cenosis, arable land has been identified and our analysis is very important for transferring them to grape and sunflower agrocenosis. Mathematical processing of diagnostic data of the main types and subtypes of soils of the massif and the long-term yield of the main agricultural crops - vineyard, sunflower, and cereals showed a close correlation between them.
Humification, Phytomass, Agro-Ecological Parameters, Ecological Edificators, Grape Ecotops
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Nasirova A. I. , Mammadova R. N. , Aliyeva M. M. , Hasanova T. A. , "Bioecological Edificators of Gray-Brown Soils in Ganja-Gazakh Massif (Azerbaijan)," Environment and Ecology Research, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 392 - 397, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2022.100307.
(b). APA Format:
Nasirova A. I. , Mammadova R. N. , Aliyeva M. M. , Hasanova T. A. (2022). Bioecological Edificators of Gray-Brown Soils in Ganja-Gazakh Massif (Azerbaijan). Environment and Ecology Research, 10(3), 392 - 397. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2022.100307.