Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 10(5), pp. 1891 - 1915
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100515
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Lateral Behavior of Slab-Column Connection with Pyramid Shaped Drop Panel

Ahmed I. 1,*, Hilal H. 2, Mohamed Husain 2
1 Faculty of Engineering, Misr Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, Egypt
2 Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Egypt


Both experimental and finite element analysis (FEA) were used to study the interior slab-column connections made with pyramid-shaped drop panels subjected to vertical and horizontal loads. The dimensions of the models at "¼" linear scale for laboratory testing and FE Analysis (FEA) are derived from the rules for the dimensions of column drops, given a prototype "9.60m" grid and a slab thickness of "320mm". Lab specimens were tested with the drops (flat slab, rectangular, and pyramid-shaped) facing up, with loading (vertical down, and horizontal in the grid direction) applied by jacks towards the top of a central projecting "150mm" square column. One flat slab ("80mm" thick, no drop) tested to failure under vertical load (80kN) provided values for setting variables used in the FEA. The remaining "5" specimens were tested to failure by increasing the horizontal load to the column. The pyramid-shaped drop model, with equal thickness to the rectangular drop model at the column faces (drops of "40mm" and "30mm"), exhibits similar maximum force resistance to the rectangular drop models. However, these resistances were achieved in the pyramid drops at higher maximum deflections being measured downwards at the column centerline one half of the slab thickness. A parametric study was conducted by FEA at constant load, in vertical steps (10KN, 25KN, 55KN), calculating the deflections under increasing horizontal load. Calculations were made with the following definitions: Energy absorption is represented by the area under the deflection vs horizontal load curf; ductility is the ratio of deflection at maximum to deflection at yield, and the stiffness is the slope of the deflection load diagrams in the elastic zone. The pyramid-shaped drop model exhibited improved energy absorption, ductility, stiffness and overstrength compared to the rectangular drop models of the same column face thickness.

Punching Shear Capacity, Slab Column Connection, Drop Panel, Pyramid-Shaped Drop Panel

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Ahmed I. , Hilal H. , Mohamed Husain , "Lateral Behavior of Slab-Column Connection with Pyramid Shaped Drop Panel," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 1891 - 1915, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100515.

(b). APA Format:
Ahmed I. , Hilal H. , Mohamed Husain (2022). Lateral Behavior of Slab-Column Connection with Pyramid Shaped Drop Panel. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 10(5), 1891 - 1915. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100515.