Journals Information
Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 10(4), pp. 1590 - 1598
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100428
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Emergence of New Place Identities through Architecture
Leena Al-Mohammedy *, Njoud Al-Nashmi , Renad Baabdullah , Abdel-Moniem El-Shorbagy
Department of Architecture, College of Architecture and Design, Effat University, Qasr Khuzam St., Saudi Arabia
Place identity has become a significant issue in the last 25 years in urban planning and design. However, identity of a place is a phenomenon that has been present for as long as man used physical and psychological elements to recognize places. Human's identification to a place presupposes that places have a unique character, that is, attributes which distinguish each place from any other. The relation between a human and space is not merely that of being able to orientate himself in his surroundings, but it also has a deeper process of identification, which was described by Norberg-Schulz as "to become ‘friends' with a particular environment". In the twenty first century, the rapid emergence of contemporary played a major key role in the fluctuating of many place identities globally, some of which accepted and absorbed new identities, whereas others valued identities were lost. Typically, the physical environment's contribution to form the unique character of place dominates psychological elements. Thus, this research paper deals with architecture as a main drive for analyzing place identity. Particularly, the research aims at defining clear elements of emerging new identities through discussing the causes, process, and outturns of examples where identities evolved through architecture overtime.
Place Identity, Architecture, New Place Identity
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[1] Leena Al-Mohammedy , Njoud Al-Nashmi , Renad Baabdullah , Abdel-Moniem El-Shorbagy , "Emergence of New Place Identities through Architecture," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1590 - 1598, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100428.
(b). APA Format:
Leena Al-Mohammedy , Njoud Al-Nashmi , Renad Baabdullah , Abdel-Moniem El-Shorbagy (2022). Emergence of New Place Identities through Architecture. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 10(4), 1590 - 1598. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100428.