Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 10(4), pp. 1526 - 1537
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100422
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Small Farm Reservoir Suitability Analysis in Tarlac Province, Philippines

Ermalyn DG. Galo *
College of Engineering and Technology, Tarlac Agricultural University, Philippines


Small farm reservoir (SFR) suitability analysis is useful in water resources management and development assistance of government and non-government agencies for farmers and farmer-groups. The researcher utilizes the geographic information system to analyze the suitable areas for the construction and management of small water impounding to store and conserve rainwater in rainfed areas. The factors on rainfall, soil texture, slope, land use, irrigation status, groundwater availability and distance from river were considered for the suitability mapping of SFRs. The following factors have their corresponding weights which are derived from using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) procedure. The testing of the model was done by determining the suitability value (S) of each sample SFR. The research findings showed the areas in the province potentially suitable for SFRs of the total land area of Tarlac: 47% are not suitable, 25% are marginally suitable, 13% are moderately suitable and 15% are highly suitable.

Suitability, Small Farm Reservoir, Geographic Information System, Rainfed Areas, AHP

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Ermalyn DG. Galo , "Small Farm Reservoir Suitability Analysis in Tarlac Province, Philippines," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1526 - 1537, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100422.

(b). APA Format:
Ermalyn DG. Galo (2022). Small Farm Reservoir Suitability Analysis in Tarlac Province, Philippines. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 10(4), 1526 - 1537. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100422.