Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 10(4), pp. 1419 - 1444
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100414
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The Postmodernism's Pluralism – Half a Century of Evolution in Anticipation of a New Great Style

Konstantin Samoilov 1,*, Bolat Kuspangaliyev 1, Gaukhar Sadvokasova 2
1 Satbayev University, 22 Satbayev Str., Almaty 050000, Kazakhstan
2 International Education Corporation / KazGASA, 28 Ryskulbekov Str., Almaty 050043, Kazakhstan


The current state of World architecture is the result of the transition from strict Functionalism to multi-dark Symbolism. This process took fifty years and has a number of interesting features. The study of the individual stages of the past period allows us to identify the characteristic features of the architecture of each of them. The theoretical studies that appeared in the process of evolution, preliminary designs, and completed buildings vividly reflected the contradictions and consistency of the World Architectural process. Each time the idea that appeared as a contrast to the existing situation gradually adapted, becoming an integral part of the synthetic phenomenon. The chronological approach allows us to emphasize a number of interesting aspects, so the initial sharp denial of the principles of the "Modern Movement" in the 1960s gradually transformed into romantic nostalgia for the rigor of shaping in the 1990s. The protest "permissiveness" of the Formalism of the 1970s and 1980s lost most of its aggressiveness, becoming at the beginning of this century a harmonious process of unobtrusive accentuation of the existing compositional-spatial and historical-cultural features of the construction site. The technical and economic possibilities of the construction realization of the most expressive forms of Deconstructivism fans that appeared in the 2000s gave the world culture several interesting buildings. However, already in the 2010s, the rationality inherent in architecture as a process of forming a space for real life "softened" the emotional-semantic and compositional-plastic sharpness of the interpretation of the author's understanding of "the Design Assignment" received from the Customer. The review conducted in the presented article allows us to conclude that the development of the World architectural process, which has passed through a number of stages over half a century, has developed into an original phenomenon. The results of the analysis have a certain scientific, theoretical and practical significance. They deepen the degree of knowledge of the World Architectural process, detail important aspects of the interaction of various architectural forms in the process of evolution, allow to some extent predicting trends in the further development of architecture.

An Architectural Shaping, A Creative Process, A Modernism, A Postmodernism, A Historicism, A Deconstructivism, A Regionalism, A Neo-Formalism, A Pan-Metaphorism, A Stylistic Pluralism, A World Architectural Process

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Konstantin Samoilov , Bolat Kuspangaliyev , Gaukhar Sadvokasova , "The Postmodernism's Pluralism – Half a Century of Evolution in Anticipation of a New Great Style," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1419 - 1444, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100414.

(b). APA Format:
Konstantin Samoilov , Bolat Kuspangaliyev , Gaukhar Sadvokasova (2022). The Postmodernism's Pluralism – Half a Century of Evolution in Anticipation of a New Great Style. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 10(4), 1419 - 1444. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100414.