Journals Information
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences Vol. 10(2), pp. 316 - 323
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2022.100223
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Association between Outcomes of Physical activities and Sports on Work-Life Balance of Employees
Bhanupriya Khatri 1,*, Shaina Arora 2, Anjali Goyal 1
1 University School of Business, Chandigarh University, Mohali, India
2 UITHM, Chandigarh University, Mohali, India
The desire to succeed in a rapidly changing work environment is overwhelming. This study aims to emphasize the importance of work-life balance and to examine the relationship between work-life balance and happiness. Focusing on physical activities and workplace health among the various ways for employee health is one way to ensure employee health and productivity. Managing long working hours in personal life increases employee stress. It consists of various fields related to the IT industry, computer, and digital information. IT professionals are the most in-demand members of today's labor market, as the industry's largest companies fight to expand the adoption of digital technologies. Employers are continually striving to ensure that their employees do their jobs in the best possible way without getting tired. Employee Work-Life Balance is measured by the employee's mental and physical investment in the workplace. You are dedicated to your work in terms of time, energy, and level of motivation to work towards achieving organizational success. This paper purposes to measure happiness and employee work-life balance as a measure of physical activity. Smart-PLS 3.2.8 creates a conceptual reflex model using measures of physical activity and happiness and work-life balance as survey components.
Physical Activities, Heath Fitness, Mental Health, General Motor Fitness, Physical Exercise, Work-Life Balance
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Bhanupriya Khatri , Shaina Arora , Anjali Goyal , "Association between Outcomes of Physical activities and Sports on Work-Life Balance of Employees," International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 316 - 323, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2022.100223.
(b). APA Format:
Bhanupriya Khatri , Shaina Arora , Anjali Goyal (2022). Association between Outcomes of Physical activities and Sports on Work-Life Balance of Employees. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 10(2), 316 - 323. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2022.100223.