Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 10(3), pp. 1118 - 1128
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100328
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Study of the Effect of Climatic Factors on Indirect Tensile Strength of Asphalt Mixtures Modified with a Mixture of /Polymer-Sulfur/

Ahmad Sameer Alsaleh *
College of Civil Engineering, Al Baath University, Homs, Syria


The asphalt paver must fulfill a set of basic requirements, from a sufficient bearing capacity for the expected loads, stability and good resistance to deformations resulting from the passage of large loads at high temperatures, and also securing an impermeable surface that achieves adequate and good drainage of water. Hence, it is necessary to search for permanently and continuously improved materials that are resistant to the influence of factors affecting the flexible paving in its upper layers, consisting of bituminous composites. Polymer-modified bitumen has been used to improve the performance of bituminous paving. I have designed asphalt mixtures using asphalt cement without modification, polymer-modified asphalt cement (polyethylene), and asphalt cement modified with a mixture of (polymer-sulfur). Next, I performed lab experiments simulating the effect of investment, weather and climatic factors during operation and investment (conditioning test). It is concluded that the change in the value of indirect tensile Strength for the Asphalt samples formed using an asphalt cement which modified with a mixture of /polymer-sulfur/ was (4%) of its value after the conditioning test, and as for Asphalt samples formed using an asphalt cement which is modified with polyethylene (PE), the value was (14%) after the conditioning test cement which is modified with polyethylene (PE) the value was (14%) after the conditioning test.

Asphalt Mixtures Modified, Tensile Strength of Asphalt Mixtures, Modification of Bitumen with Sulfur

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Ahmad Sameer Alsaleh , "Study of the Effect of Climatic Factors on Indirect Tensile Strength of Asphalt Mixtures Modified with a Mixture of /Polymer-Sulfur/," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 1118 - 1128, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100328.

(b). APA Format:
Ahmad Sameer Alsaleh (2022). Study of the Effect of Climatic Factors on Indirect Tensile Strength of Asphalt Mixtures Modified with a Mixture of /Polymer-Sulfur/. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 10(3), 1118 - 1128. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100328.