International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences Vol. 10(2), pp. 207 - 216
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2022.100211
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Perceived Satisfaction of Prince Sultan University Graduates and Faculty from Health and Physical Education Program (HPEP)

Marshal C. Defensor *
Health and Physical Education Department, Prince Sultan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


An increasing interest in examining the Health and Physical Education Program (HPEP) has become evident to higher education institutions. However, the studies on the satisfaction of university stakeholders from the said program remain scarce. This study, therefore, examines the perceived satisfaction of university stakeholders from HPEP, including its distinct aspects/ areas and program offerings in an international higher education institution. Validated instruments such as a survey that received an overall mean score of 4.85 (SD=0.34) and an interview protocol with a mean score of 4.89 (SD=0.23) obtained data from university graduates/ alumni (n=250) and faculty members (n=10) between 2010 and 2018. The survey data indicated that alumni respondents evaluated the HPEP educational services (4.12 [SD=0.96]), learning environment (4.26 [SD=0.88]), and facilities (4.19 [SD=0.92]) with a high level of satisfaction. The adequacy of skills learned (3.80 [SD=1.16]), adequacy of HPEP as a program (4.08 [SD=0.08]), and relevance of the HPEP (4.11 [SD=0.07]) received a high-level satisfaction. On the other hand, the interview data revealed faculty members' satisfaction with some recommendations for improving the general aspects of the HPEP. While both alumni and faculty members were satisfied based on their understanding and experience of HPEP, discipline-centric activities, and infrastructure, there remains a need for consistency in the services offered, maintenance of facilities and equipment, and demand for strengthening values and transferable skills developed by HPEP. This study is of relevance to health and physical education scholars and practitioners. It may likewise serve as a lens to revisit the HPEP for program improvement.

Health and Physical Education Program, Satisfaction, Faculty, Graduates

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Marshal C. Defensor , "Perceived Satisfaction of Prince Sultan University Graduates and Faculty from Health and Physical Education Program (HPEP)," International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 207 - 216, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2022.100211.

(b). APA Format:
Marshal C. Defensor (2022). Perceived Satisfaction of Prince Sultan University Graduates and Faculty from Health and Physical Education Program (HPEP). International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 10(2), 207 - 216. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2022.100211.