Journals Information
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences Vol. 10(2), pp. 179 - 186
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2022.100207
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Measurement of Anthropometry, Biomotor and Fundamental Skills for Identification of Future Athletes' Talents at the Age of 11-15 Years
Herman Chaniago *
Department of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
This study aims to identify the talents of prospective athletes aged 11-15 years through anthropometric, fundamental skills, and biomotor. Researchers conducted an assessment of these three factors to decide whether the candidate was a gifted athlete. The method used is survey and percentage analysis. The participants who took part in this study were 408 (242 males and 166 females) aged 11-15 years. The results of the assessment from the city of Salatiga showed that there were no very talented participants, 2% of participants were declared talented, 12% quite talented, 44% less talented, and 42% not talented. The percentage analysis showed that there were no very talented participants; less than 1% were talented; 3% were moderately talented; 22% were less talented, and 75% were not talented. There is a difference in catch indicators for male and female participants with a percentage of 30.11%. Talent identification that can be decided in this study, based on the results of anthropometry, fundamental skills, and biomotor measurements is in the javelin throw, sprint 100 meters, 200 meters and long jump. The results of this study conclude that the assessment of anthropometry, fundamental skills, and bimotor can be used to identify the talent of athletes at a young age. It could be concluded that biomotor and anthropometry aspects are more dominantly used to identify athletes but need to be added to other skills performance assessments to support this decision. Future research should focus on identifying the determinants of talent and developing assessment instruments.
Anthropometry, Fundamental Skills, Biomotor, Talent Identification
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Herman Chaniago , "Measurement of Anthropometry, Biomotor and Fundamental Skills for Identification of Future Athletes' Talents at the Age of 11-15 Years," International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 179 - 186, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2022.100207.
(b). APA Format:
Herman Chaniago (2022). Measurement of Anthropometry, Biomotor and Fundamental Skills for Identification of Future Athletes' Talents at the Age of 11-15 Years. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 10(2), 179 - 186. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2022.100207.