Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 10(2), pp. 137 - 145
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2022.100203
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Explorative Learning Local-Global Concept of HOTL-DI-Type B Models for Junior High School Students on a Small Island

Alfrits Komansilan 1,*, Tressje Mandang 1, Alfrie M. Rampengan 1, Ni Wayan Suriani 2
1 Department of Physics Education, Manado State University, Indonesia
2 Department of Natural Science Education, Manado State University, Indonesia


Science teaching in small islands is faced with the problem of limited learning facilities such as books and the internet as learning resources. The knowledge, skills and values obtained by students from the surrounding environment have the potential to strengthen science learning in the classroom where parents and the community can play a role in the child's learning process. The research subjects were students in grades 7 and 8 on Para island. The results showed that students were motivated to explore concepts and processes about objects in the form of facts, phenomena and issues in the surrounding environment. Percentage of exploration achievements at the first meeting, on identification of objects for individuals 24% - 35% and groups 35%, at the last meeting, there was an increase for individuals 50% - 70% and groups 80, for analysis-description of objects from 24% - 30 % to 50% - 70% for individuals and groups from 35% to 75%, for identification of science concepts from 5% - 15% to 40% - 50% for individuals and groups from 29%, to 55%, for formulation of concept network and science process from 5% - 15% to 40% - 50% for individuals and groups from 20% increased to 55%. Explorative learning reflects the importance of integrating children's experiences and knowledge from outside the classroom with learning in the classroom. The development of exploratory activities outside the classroom has the support of parents and the community who view this learning as a process of transforming knowledge and values to children.

Experience Integration, Exploration, Concept, Democratic Interaction

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Alfrits Komansilan , Tressje Mandang , Alfrie M. Rampengan , Ni Wayan Suriani , "Explorative Learning Local-Global Concept of HOTL-DI-Type B Models for Junior High School Students on a Small Island," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 137 - 145, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2022.100203.

(b). APA Format:
Alfrits Komansilan , Tressje Mandang , Alfrie M. Rampengan , Ni Wayan Suriani (2022). Explorative Learning Local-Global Concept of HOTL-DI-Type B Models for Junior High School Students on a Small Island. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 10(2), 137 - 145. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2022.100203.