Journals Information
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 9(6), pp. 277 - 288
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2021.090606
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COVID-19 Impacts on Rubber Farmers in Thailand: A Study of Behavioral Change and Livelihoods
Chaiya Kongmanee , Ferdoushi Ahmed *
Faculty of Economics, Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90112, Thailand
The impacts of COVID-19 have yet to manifest and are not predictable due to their scale or nature. This is shown in the infection, morbidity, and mortality rates, even more so in the implications on the agriculture sector and agricultural trade. On the other hand, it is well known that these effects will have an impact on both small-scale agriculture and other links in the production chain. This study aims to examine the current situations and problems of households' socio-economic characteristics of Thai rubber farmers. The study correspondingly tries to identify the behavioral changes of rubber farmer households and livelihoods. The study found that many rubber Farmers are going to be hooked on loan from the community source. However, on the contrary, a large number of people become able to adjust and balance their lives in line with their financial aspects. The study found that, 93.6% farmers had decreasing incomes, while 47.7% had adequacy of household incomes, and 38.5% had economic dependency, e.g., borrowing money from the system outside. In contrast, to highlight the positive effects on the economy, the study found that most of the farmers (92.7%) saved money and considered more before spending during the pandemic. Similarly, an overwhelming portion (86.2%) of the farmers applied the philosophy of sufficiency economy for livelihoods, while 74.3% had built institution and culture of saving for households, and 73.4% had attempted to seek more income to support their family.
COVID-19, Behavior Change, Livelihoods, Rubber Farmer, Thailand
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[1] Chaiya Kongmanee , Ferdoushi Ahmed , "COVID-19 Impacts on Rubber Farmers in Thailand: A Study of Behavioral Change and Livelihoods," Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 277 - 288, 2021. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2021.090606.
(b). APA Format:
Chaiya Kongmanee , Ferdoushi Ahmed (2021). COVID-19 Impacts on Rubber Farmers in Thailand: A Study of Behavioral Change and Livelihoods. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 9(6), 277 - 288. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2021.090606.