International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences Vol. 9(6), pp. 1470 - 1476
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2021.090644
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Analysis of the External and Internal Load in 4vs4 Large Sided Games: Differences between Fields of Different Sizes

Italo Sannicandro 1,*, Andrea Piccinno 2, Rosa Anna Rosa 2, Giacomo Cofano 2
1 Department of Humanities, Literature, Cultural Heritage, Education Sciences, University of Foggia, 71121, Foggia, Italy
2 University of Foggia, 71121, Foggia, Italy


This study aims to describe and analyse the internal and external load deriving from LSG exercises carried out on two fields, defined as SLSG and BLSG, in the 4vs4 format, with goalkeepers. 22 professional soccer players participated (average age: 23.59±4.87 years, weight: 77.8±7.6 kg; height: 183.5±7.5 cm) including 20 forward players and 2 goalkeepers; the goalkeepers were not considered in the data collection of the external and internal load. The LSG 4vs4 + 2 goalkeepers exercises were carried out on a natural grass playing field. The exercises were performed on a field 55x49m (269.5 m2 per player) defined as "small" (SLSG) and on a field 60 x 54 meters (324 m2 per player) defined as "big" (BLSG). The results of the internal load analysis show how the BLSG provides higher and more significant HR values than those emerged during the SLSG exercise. Instead, the analysis of the external load related to the observed and described parameters shows that the values emerged from the exercise carried out on the BLSG are higher, except for the distance travelled by walking (<7.30 km/h), in which the SLSG exercise provided higher values, although not relevant statistically. No significant data emerge from the statistical analysis in all the observed parameters. This is the first study that analyses the 4vs4 format in an LSG exercise. The results of this study show that large sided games prove to be very valid exercises if the goal is to modulate the intensity of the game related to what really happens during the match.

Large Sided Games, External Load, Internal Load, Soccer, Professional Soccer Players, GPS

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Italo Sannicandro , Andrea Piccinno , Rosa Anna Rosa , Giacomo Cofano , "Analysis of the External and Internal Load in 4vs4 Large Sided Games: Differences between Fields of Different Sizes," International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 1470 - 1476, 2021. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2021.090644.

(b). APA Format:
Italo Sannicandro , Andrea Piccinno , Rosa Anna Rosa , Giacomo Cofano (2021). Analysis of the External and Internal Load in 4vs4 Large Sided Games: Differences between Fields of Different Sizes. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 9(6), 1470 - 1476. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2021.090644.