Journals Information
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 9(5), pp. 176 - 183
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2021.090504
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Indicators of State Financial Support for Capital Reproduction in the Agricultural Economic Sector: The European Union and Russia
Diana Arkadevna Denisova 1,*, Natalia Gennadyevna Levanova 2, Zhanna Nikolaevna Dibrova 3, Gulizar Kazbekovna Isakova 4, Dafik Hafizov 5, Olga Mikhaylovna Lizina 6
1 Department of Physics and Mathematics, Moscow State University of Food Production, 11 Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125080, Russia
2 Department of General and Theoretical Physics, Togliatti State University, 14 Belorusskaya str., Togliatti, 445020, Russia
3 Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education, Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University), 73 Zemlyanoy Val str., Moscow, 109004, Russia
4 Department of State and Municipal Administration, Dagestan State University, 43a Gadzhiyev str., Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, 367000, Russia
5 Kazan Cooperative Institute, Branch of Russian University of Cooperation, 58 N. Ershova str., Kazan, 420081, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
6 Department of Theoretical Economy and Economic Security, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, 68/1 Bolshevitskaya str., Saransk, 430005, Russia
Financial support of the agricultural sector of the economy in the current context is the leading function of state regulation since it is strategically important for national security. The effectiveness of state financing of the agricultural sector of the economy involves ensuring the positive dynamics of its development and establishing appropriate estimate indicators. In this regard, the cost and streams of state financial support for the agricultural sector of the economy should be as effective as possible. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the priorities of state financial support for the capital reproduction in the agricultural sector of the Russian economy based on a comparison with the European Union. The article clarifies the essence of various approaches and mechanisms, as well as indicators of state support for the agricultural sector of the economy of the EU and Russia, indicators of agricultural production volumes supported by the state, as well as nominal protection coefficients (NPC). The authors conclude that the financial policy of capital reproduction in the agricultural sector of the Russian economy is aimed at ensuring its long-term sustainable expanded intensive innovation-based reproduction. At the same time, the key to its implementation is a clear identification of the mission of financial policy, strategic and tactical tasks, ensuring their feedback and adaptation to changes in the internal and external environment of the agricultural sector of the economy, as well as considering the risks of capital reproduction. At that, the basis for supporting producers in the EU is the financing of capital investments of farmers, while the basis for supporting producers in Russia is providing support based on commodity products.
Agro-Industrial Complex, State Support of the Agricultural Sector, Agricultural Support Indicators, Transfer, Nominal Protection Coefficient
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Diana Arkadevna Denisova , Natalia Gennadyevna Levanova , Zhanna Nikolaevna Dibrova , Gulizar Kazbekovna Isakova , Dafik Hafizov , Olga Mikhaylovna Lizina , "Indicators of State Financial Support for Capital Reproduction in the Agricultural Economic Sector: The European Union and Russia," Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 176 - 183, 2021. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2021.090504.
(b). APA Format:
Diana Arkadevna Denisova , Natalia Gennadyevna Levanova , Zhanna Nikolaevna Dibrova , Gulizar Kazbekovna Isakova , Dafik Hafizov , Olga Mikhaylovna Lizina (2021). Indicators of State Financial Support for Capital Reproduction in the Agricultural Economic Sector: The European Union and Russia. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 9(5), 176 - 183. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2021.090504.