Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 9(7), pp. 2205 - 2236
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2021.090710
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Seismic Performance of Buildings with Various Configurations in Hilly Regions

Saurav Kumar Verma , Hrishikesh Dubey *
Department of Civil Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, 110042, India


Structures on incline ground are vulnerable to earthquakes because of irregularities in plan and elevation. The structural configurations on slopes have been observed, with stepback and stepback-setback configurations being the most common. In mid to high rise buildings, shear wall and C-shaped shear wall cores are commonly used lateral load resisting components. The current research focuses on comparing the seismic performance of L-shear walls(LSW) at the corners, C shear-walls at core(CSW) and Reinforced concrete-filled steel tube column (RCFST) at corners and cores in stepback, and stepback-setback configurations buildings considering the base of the structures fixed designed for Indian codes using response spectrum analysis. The structural analysis tool ETABS 2017 was used to perform seismic analysis. Buildings on a hill slope with various configurations are studied: bare frame, concrete blockwork infill, LSW full bay at corners, LSW half bay at corners, CSW and RCFST column at corners and core. The characteristic parameters such as base shear, forces in the columns at the ground floor, storey drift, maximum storey displacement, time period, the bending moment in columns at every floor level and storey shear in structures will be determined and analysed for the different structures at the sloping ground. Structures with corner LSW perform better than buildings with centrally located shear walls at the core, whereas LSW at half bay in the corner and RCFST columns at corners and core serve the dual objective of space constraint and improved performance.

Stepback, Stepback-Setback Building, Shear Walls, Shear Wall Cores, Reinforced Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Column, Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA)

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Saurav Kumar Verma , Hrishikesh Dubey , "Seismic Performance of Buildings with Various Configurations in Hilly Regions," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 9, No. 7, pp. 2205 - 2236, 2021. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2021.090710.

(b). APA Format:
Saurav Kumar Verma , Hrishikesh Dubey (2021). Seismic Performance of Buildings with Various Configurations in Hilly Regions. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 9(7), 2205 - 2236. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2021.090710.