Mathematics and Statistics Vol. 9(5), pp. 835 - 852
DOI: 10.13189/ms.2021.090524
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Unique Common Tripled Fixed Point for Three Mappings in Spaces

K. Kumara Swamy 1,*, Swatmaram 2, Bipan Hazarika 3, P. Sumati Kumari 1
1 Department of Mathematics, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam - 532 127, Andhra Pradesh State, India
2 Department of Mathematics, CHAITANYA BHARATHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Hyderabad-500075, Telangana, India
3 Department of Mathematics, Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014, Assam, India


It has been a century since the Banach fixed point theorem was established, and because of this, the result is the progenitor in some ways. This seems essential to revisit fixed point theorems in specific and in light of most of those. Those are numerous and prevalent in mathematics, as we will demonstrate. Fixed point theorems can be noticed in advanced mathematics, economics, micro-structures, geometry, dynamics, computational mathematics, and differential equations. space is to broaden and extrapolate the paradigm of the concept of metric space. The characteristic of a space, in essence, is to comprehend the topological features of three points rather than two points via the perimeter of a triangle, where the metric indicates the distance between two points. The domain of space is significantly larger than that of the class of space. Hence we utilised this generalized space in order to obtain common tripled fixed point for three mappings using rational type contractions in the setting of spaces. Recently, Khomadram et al have developed coupled fixed point theorems in spaces via rational type contractions. The main aim of our paper is to broaden and extrapolate the paradigm of Khomadram's results into tripled fixed point theorems. Therefore, examples are offered to support our findings.

Gb-metric Space, Gb-Cauchy Sequence, Gb-convergent Sequence and Tripled Fixed Point

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] K. Kumara Swamy , Swatmaram , Bipan Hazarika , P. Sumati Kumari , "Unique Common Tripled Fixed Point for Three Mappings in Spaces," Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 835 - 852, 2021. DOI: 10.13189/ms.2021.090524.

(b). APA Format:
K. Kumara Swamy , Swatmaram , Bipan Hazarika , P. Sumati Kumari (2021). Unique Common Tripled Fixed Point for Three Mappings in Spaces. Mathematics and Statistics, 9(5), 835 - 852. DOI: 10.13189/ms.2021.090524.