Universal Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 9(5), pp. 166 - 175
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2021.090503
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GIS Mapping of Land Slopes, Soil Depths, Erosian Classes, Large Soil Groups and Some Soil Properties: A Case Study of Kayseri Province in Turkey

M. Cüneyt Bağdatlı 1,*, Yiğitcan Ballı 2
1 Department of Biosystem Engineering, Engineering and Architecture Faculty, Nevsehir Hacı Bektas Veli University, Nevsehir, Turkey
2 Department of Environmental Engineering, Science Institute, Nevsehir Hacı Bektas Veli University, Nevsehir, Turkey


This study was carried out to determine the spatial distribution of land slopes, soil depths, erosion classes, large soil groups and some soil properties by using Geography Information Systems (GIS) in Kayseri province (Turkey). As a result of the spatial analysis distributions; It has been observed that a large part of the province of Kayseri consists of soils with a depth of C class (50-90 m), and this area covers an area of 9443.95 km2. It is seen that the areas belonging to the E class (0-20 m) soil depth group are very few and this soil depth class covers an area of 6.50 km2. When the spatial analysis results of soil slope classes are examined, it is seen that the largest surface area is between 3-6% slope and this area is 8022.80 km2. It has been determined that the areas in the 30-45% slope class have the smallest surface area and the total of these areas is 5.21 km2. In terms of erosion classification, the lands in Kayseri province are classified as II. classified as areas of high erosion risk. When evaluated in terms of large soil groups, it has been determined that generally limeless brown soils are dominant and the total amount of these areas is 6156.54 km2. It has been determined that the area covered by brown forest soils has a very small share in the whole area. Considering other soil properties, it was determined that slightly salty soils cover a very small area (0.99 km2). It has been determined that stony soils cover an area of 8600.58 km2. As a result of the study, spatial distribution maps were created showing soil depth, slope and erosion classes, large soil groups and other soil characteristics of Kayseri province, which will guide the investor organizations in the region.

Geography Information Systems (GIS), Land Slope, Soil Depth, Erosion Classes, Large Soil Groups, Some Soil Properties, Kayseri Province, Turkey

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] M. Cüneyt Bağdatlı , Yiğitcan Ballı , "GIS Mapping of Land Slopes, Soil Depths, Erosian Classes, Large Soil Groups and Some Soil Properties: A Case Study of Kayseri Province in Turkey," Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 166 - 175, 2021. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2021.090503.

(b). APA Format:
M. Cüneyt Bağdatlı , Yiğitcan Ballı (2021). GIS Mapping of Land Slopes, Soil Depths, Erosian Classes, Large Soil Groups and Some Soil Properties: A Case Study of Kayseri Province in Turkey. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 9(5), 166 - 175. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2021.090503.