Journals Information
Food Science and Technology Vol. 9(2), pp. 31 - 44
DOI: 10.13189/fst.2021.090202
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Determinants of the Sales Market of Products of Meat Processing Complex in the Innovation and Investment System of Regional Polarized
Svitlana A. Nesterenko *, Iryna V. Ahieieva , Nonna V. Surzhenko , Olena Yu. Shevchuk , Anhelina V. Yarchuk
Department of Management, Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University, 72310, Melitopol, Ukraine
The article considers the determinants of the sales market development of meat processing complex products that implement the parameters of innovation and investment capacity of local subjects in the innovation and investment system of the regional polarized space. The purpose of this study was to characterize Ukrainian sales market development of meat processing complex products. A comprehensive methodological approach to the systematic diagnosis of the time interval for the sale of meat processing complex products of the region according to the level of spatial polarization of innovation and investment capacity of the subject has been developed. The determinants of the development of the sales market for meat products have been identified. The forecast spatio-temporal interval of sales of meat processing complex products according to the level of innovation and investment capacity of the subjects in the polarized innovation and investment system of the region is interpreted. The analysis of production and marketing activities of agro-clusters of the meat processing complex of Ukraine is carried out. An assessment of the production and marketing activities of agro-clusters of the meat processing complex, taking into account foreign investment is fulfilled. The index of market conditions of sales of products of the subject of meat processing industry on the scale (value) of the net income received at the expense of the introduced innovative technologies in manufacture is calculated. The forecast value of the polyvector change of the general integrated indicator of innovation and investment capacity of agro-clusters in the polarized space-time interval of the regional level is determined. It is concluded that innovations are vital factor of increasing the level of sales of products of meat processing subjects. It is proposed to implement the assessment of potential opportunities for innovation, organization of sales, communication and pricing policies.
Sales Market, Production and Sales Activities, Market Conditions, Innovations, Investments, Capacity, Meat Processing Complex
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[1] Svitlana A. Nesterenko , Iryna V. Ahieieva , Nonna V. Surzhenko , Olena Yu. Shevchuk , Anhelina V. Yarchuk , "Determinants of the Sales Market of Products of Meat Processing Complex in the Innovation and Investment System of Regional Polarized," Food Science and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 31 - 44, 2021. DOI: 10.13189/fst.2021.090202.
(b). APA Format:
Svitlana A. Nesterenko , Iryna V. Ahieieva , Nonna V. Surzhenko , Olena Yu. Shevchuk , Anhelina V. Yarchuk (2021). Determinants of the Sales Market of Products of Meat Processing Complex in the Innovation and Investment System of Regional Polarized. Food Science and Technology, 9(2), 31 - 44. DOI: 10.13189/fst.2021.090202.