Journals Information
Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 9(4), pp. 1198 - 1205
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2021.090421
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Analytical Approach to Estimate Equivalent Strut Width for Wire Meshed Masonry Infilled RC Frame under Dynamic Loading
S. V. S. Jebadurai 1, D. Tensing 1, C. Daniel 1,2,*, E. Arunraj 1, G. Hemalatha 1
1 Department of Civil Engineering, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, 641114, Coimbatore, India
2 Department of Civil Engineering, Mohamed Sathak A J College of Engineering, 603103, Chennai, India
In this paper, an analytical investigation is carried out using an open-source FEM software SEISMOSTRUT to analyze infill RC frame with and without chicken wire mesh along with experimental verification. To estimate the equivalent strut width, six models proposed by various researchers are considered to find various failure modes of infills such as in tension, compression and shear. The theoretical model had the same dimensions and load pattern as compared to experimental investigation. For studying the infill wall's lateral load capacity, two specimens were cast, namely infill wall without mesh (B1) and infill wall with mesh (B2). From the experimental investigations, yield displacement (), Initial stiffness (Ki), Ultimate loads (Pu), Ultimate displacement (), Ductility (μ) and Cumulative energy dissipation capacity were estimated. The proposed model is found to be in close agreement with the experimental model results in terms of ultimate load and displacement. The failure mode observed for the infill walls was diagonal tension in the experimental investigation. Based on diagonal tension and corner crushing mode, an equation is derived which is suitable for estimating the equivalent strut width for walls with mesh and the failure loads in compression and tension. The failure loads calculated from the proposed empirical relations are compared with the experimental investigations for verification.
FEM, SEISMOSTRUT, Infill Masonry, Chicken Wire Mesh, Failure Modes
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] S. V. S. Jebadurai , D. Tensing , C. Daniel , E. Arunraj , G. Hemalatha , "Analytical Approach to Estimate Equivalent Strut Width for Wire Meshed Masonry Infilled RC Frame under Dynamic Loading," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 1198 - 1205, 2021. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2021.090421.
(b). APA Format:
S. V. S. Jebadurai , D. Tensing , C. Daniel , E. Arunraj , G. Hemalatha (2021). Analytical Approach to Estimate Equivalent Strut Width for Wire Meshed Masonry Infilled RC Frame under Dynamic Loading. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 9(4), 1198 - 1205. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2021.090421.