Journals Information
Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 9(4), pp. 1097 - 1109
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2021.090412
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Needs of Comfort, Safety, Recognition of a Housing Design with a POE Approach, Case: Dliko Indah Housing Salatiga Indonesia
Djoko Indrosaptono *, Tri Susetyo Andadari , Alfanadi Agung Setiyawan
Department of Architectural Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
The number of housing needs for low-income people continues to increase every year, and the government and the private sector create affordable housing with decent housing according to Indonesian healthy housing standards. Dliko Indah Housing Salatiga is housing that was planned and designed in the form of housing units of various types that were built in the 1980s and still exist today. Dliko housing has been in existence for more than 30 years, and has undergone physical changes in various design elements. This condition is suspected of having several driving factors for residents to change it. Through the post occupancy evaluation (POE) method approach, it is hoped that the answers to the occupants' motivations can be obtained as to why they made these changes and at the same time obtain the driving factors. The aim of this research is that the results can be used as an evaluation in planning and designing similar housing developments in the future. The research method used is a qualitative rationalistic research approach, using stratified random sampling. Related theories and journals are used as a tool to analyze as well as direct research, and to obtain field data. The final result is a variation in the percentage of change rates for each of the elements that make up a simple home design such as: changes in KDB, building plans, functions, facades and changes in materials. These changes are the demands for Comfort, Security, and Recognition.
Comfort, Security, Recognition, Post Occupancy Evaluation, Dliko Indah Housing
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Djoko Indrosaptono , Tri Susetyo Andadari , Alfanadi Agung Setiyawan , "Needs of Comfort, Safety, Recognition of a Housing Design with a POE Approach, Case: Dliko Indah Housing Salatiga Indonesia," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 1097 - 1109, 2021. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2021.090412.
(b). APA Format:
Djoko Indrosaptono , Tri Susetyo Andadari , Alfanadi Agung Setiyawan (2021). Needs of Comfort, Safety, Recognition of a Housing Design with a POE Approach, Case: Dliko Indah Housing Salatiga Indonesia. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 9(4), 1097 - 1109. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2021.090412.