Journals Information
Mathematics and Statistics Vol. 9(1), pp. 24 - 30
DOI: 10.13189/ms.2021.090104
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Fourier Method in Initial Boundary Value Problems for Regions with Curvilinear Boundaries
Leontiev V. L. *
Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia
The algorithm of the generalized Fourier method associated with the use of orthogonal splines is presented on the example of an initial boundary value problem for a region with a curvilinear boundary. It is shown that the sequence of finite Fourier series formed by the method algorithm converges at each moment to the exact solution of the problem – an infinite Fourier series. The structure of these finite Fourier series is similar to that of partial sums of an infinite Fourier series. As the number of grid nodes increases in the area under consideration with a curvilinear boundary, the approximate eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the boundary value problem converge to the exact eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, and the finite Fourier series approach the exact solution of the initial boundary value problem. The method provides arbitrarily accurate approximate analytical solutions to the problem, similar in structure to the exact solution, and therefore belongs to the group of analytical methods for constructing solutions in the form of orthogonal series. The obtained theoretical results are confirmed by the results of solving a test problem for which both the exact solution and analytical solutions of discrete problems for any number of grid nodes are known. The solution of test problem confirm the findings of the theoretical study of the convergence of the proposed method and the proposed algorithm of the method of separation of variables associated with orthogonal splines, yields the approximate analytical solutions of initial boundary value problem in the form of a finite Fourier series with any desired accuracy. For any number of grid nodes, the method leads to a generalized finite Fourier series which corresponds with high accuracy to the partial sum of the Fourier series of the exact solution of the problem.
Initial Boundary Value Problems, Curvilinear Boundary, Separation Variable Method, Fourier Series, Orthogonal Splines
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Leontiev V. L. , "Fourier Method in Initial Boundary Value Problems for Regions with Curvilinear Boundaries," Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 24 - 30, 2021. DOI: 10.13189/ms.2021.090104.
(b). APA Format:
Leontiev V. L. (2021). Fourier Method in Initial Boundary Value Problems for Regions with Curvilinear Boundaries. Mathematics and Statistics, 9(1), 24 - 30. DOI: 10.13189/ms.2021.090104.