Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(12B), pp. 8411 - 8419
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082647
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A Modification of UNO Games: "Chemuno Card Games (CCG)" Based on "Chemistry Triangle" to Enhance Memorization of the Periodic Table
Ira Mahartika 1,*, Neti Afrianis 1, Heppy Okmarisa 1, Niki Dian Permana Putra 2, Diniya 2, Aldeva Ilhami 2, Neni Hermita 3
1 Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, 28468, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
2 Tadris IPA, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, 28468, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
3 Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru, 28468, Indonesia
An in-depth knowledge of the periodic table is one of the most fundamental keys to understand the basic principles of chemistry. Memorizing and understanding the systemic chemical elements is one optional strategy to study the position of each element in the periodic table. However, memorization strategies are generally tricky for students and are not “long term memory”. Therefore, it is necessary to have alternative learning that can help understand chemical elements with “long term memory.” In this case, the researchers present a modification of the UNO card game called “Chemuno” with the advantages of combining a chemistry triangle approach that implemented chemicals in daily life. Such formulated game is carried out to kindly understand elements of the periodic table and recognize the groups and periods of each element. The development of the current research uses the 4D model with restrictions on the development stage. The game “Chemuno-based Chemistry Triangle” is thereby declared valid with a percentage of 92.5% and practically with a percentage of 96.86%. The use of such game is limited to schools used as trial sites yet it can be used in other schools with the similar students’ characteristics.
Learning Media, Chemistry Card Games, UNO Games, Chemistry Triangle, Multiple Representation
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Ira Mahartika , Neti Afrianis , Heppy Okmarisa , Niki Dian Permana Putra , Diniya , Aldeva Ilhami , Neni Hermita , "A Modification of UNO Games: "Chemuno Card Games (CCG)" Based on "Chemistry Triangle" to Enhance Memorization of the Periodic Table," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 12B, pp. 8411 - 8419, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082647.
(b). APA Format:
Ira Mahartika , Neti Afrianis , Heppy Okmarisa , Niki Dian Permana Putra , Diniya , Aldeva Ilhami , Neni Hermita (2020). A Modification of UNO Games: "Chemuno Card Games (CCG)" Based on "Chemistry Triangle" to Enhance Memorization of the Periodic Table. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(12B), 8411 - 8419. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082647.