Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(12B), pp. 8137 - 8141
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082616
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Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Teaching Deaf in an Inclusive School Context

Lhassan Ouazza *, Jamila Bellamqaddam
Language and Society Laboratory, Faculty of Letters and Humanities Ibn Tofail University, Kénitra, Morocco


This article reports on the conclusions drawn from a study conducted on the relationship between the elements of the ICT trinomial, social status, and acquisition of sign language in an inclusive environment. Through this article, we have explored the educational inequalities that exist between deaf learners in terms of the use of technologies (computer and internet ...). These stem from their social status as a determining variable in academic success. The data were collected through a survey that reached 25 deaf learners from different backgrounds. In the case of deaf beginners, the use of ICT not only allows access to knowledge but also to the initial learning of sign language as a communication tool. The collected data were analyzed using frequency, mean, and test distributions. The results of the study confirmed significant differences between deaf learners and also the importance of the computer tool in the acquisition of sign language inside and outside the classroom. This contribution could be an important reference to understand how social inequalities influence educational inequalities by also confirming Bourdieu's theory.

ICT, Inclusive, Acquisition, Learning, Sign Language, Social Status

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[1] Lhassan Ouazza , Jamila Bellamqaddam , "Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Teaching Deaf in an Inclusive School Context," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 12B, pp. 8137 - 8141, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082616.

(b). APA Format:
Lhassan Ouazza , Jamila Bellamqaddam (2020). Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Teaching Deaf in an Inclusive School Context. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(12B), 8137 - 8141. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082616.