Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(12A), pp. 7379 - 7393
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082522
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Mind-Mapping Technique Implementation into English for Specific Purposes Training
Nina Tverezovska 1, Maryna Rebenko 2, Victor Rebenko 3, Maxim Roganov 4, Tamara Otroshko 4, Victoriia Domina 5, Oleksandra Islamova 6, Ihor Bloshchynskyi 6,*
1 Department of Social Work and Social Rehabilitation, Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine
2 Department of Foreign Languages of Mathematical Faculties, Taras Shevchenko National University, Institute of Philology, Kyiv, 39745, Ukraine
3 Department of Livestock Mechanization, Faculty of Mechanical and Technology, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine
4 Department of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Social Pedagogical Sciences and Foreign Philology, Municipal Establishment “Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy” of Kharkiv Regional Council, Kharkiv, 61050, Ukraine
5 Department of English Philology, Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine
6 Department of Foreign Languages, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, 29000, Ukraine
The conducted research reveals the efficacy of a mind-mapping training technique within the English for Specific Purposes university course. The study aims at assessing the influence of mind maps on the students' motivation and language academic performance. To achieve the objective, it became relevant to study the step-by-step educational development of a university entrant, junior student and, then, a graduate as the result of practicing mind-mapping activities in classes. To accomplish the research tasks successfully it was necessary to apply the following methods: observation research, questioning, testing, output data calculating, modelling, foreseen data checking. The methods of statistical analysis, namely: data correlation, factor analysis, consequent implication, and content analysis were chosen. The three-stage experiment was fulfilled within the 2016–2018 academic years at the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Cybernetics (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine) and encompassed three groups of participants namely, the university entrants, the students of the first and fourth years of study. The research results show foreign language academic proficiency enhancement. The data prove that the respondents from the experimental research groups (in contrast to the control groups' outcomes) considered mind-mapping activities interesting and engaging. Such a learning motivation boost is due to the participants' associative, spatial and geometric thinking ability activation. Further investigation correlating students' motivation and mind maps' content is needed to facilitate the English for Specific Purposes university training.
Mind Maps, English For Specific Purposes, Students' Motivation, Language Performance, Questionnaire and Testing Methods, Non-traditional Training Techniques
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Nina Tverezovska , Maryna Rebenko , Victor Rebenko , Maxim Roganov , Tamara Otroshko , Victoriia Domina , Oleksandra Islamova , Ihor Bloshchynskyi , "Mind-Mapping Technique Implementation into English for Specific Purposes Training," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 12A, pp. 7379 - 7393, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082522.
(b). APA Format:
Nina Tverezovska , Maryna Rebenko , Victor Rebenko , Maxim Roganov , Tamara Otroshko , Victoriia Domina , Oleksandra Islamova , Ihor Bloshchynskyi (2020). Mind-Mapping Technique Implementation into English for Specific Purposes Training. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(12A), 7379 - 7393. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082522.