Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(12), pp. 7197 - 7204
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081286
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Evaluation of a Developed Intelligent Tutor System for Learning Robotic Programming Course in Tertiary Institutions South East, Nigeria
Eze Blessing Ngozi , Onah Bernadine Ifeoma *, Ezenma Bernard Chimezie , Chiamogu Chiakonam Charles , Chilaka Akuchinyere Eunice , Uzoegwu Chigozie Roseann , Asogwa Angela Nkechinyelugo
Department of Computer and Robotics Education, Faculty of Technical & Vocational Education, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria
This study is on evaluation of a developed Intelligent Tutor system for learning Robotic programming course in Tertiary Institutions South East, Nigeria. 2 research questions guided the study and 1 hypothesis were formulated. This developed ITS followed Research and Development (R&D) design based on the theoretical foundation of Iterative life cycle model. The population of the study is 120 students and three schools were used. 120 students also formed the population that was used to evaluate the ITS. The total sampling techniques was used while the reliabilities of instrumensts were tested with cronbach-alpha coeffiecient. Result gotten is 0.89. mean answered the research questions and Anova tested the hypothesis that guided the study. Furthermore, the findings on hypothesis tested shows the no significance differences in the responses of second year students of tertiary institutions selected for the study on their learning experiences using the developed Intelligent Tutor System. It was recommended that the developed tutor should be adopted by teachers in computing disciplines for effective use in classroom teaching. Teachers should engage students in practical use of the developed ITS in teaching Robotics programmming courses for increased learner motivation and performance.
Programming Robotics Programming, Intelligent Tutor System, Learning, Evaluation
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[1] Eze Blessing Ngozi , Onah Bernadine Ifeoma , Ezenma Bernard Chimezie , Chiamogu Chiakonam Charles , Chilaka Akuchinyere Eunice , Uzoegwu Chigozie Roseann , Asogwa Angela Nkechinyelugo , "Evaluation of a Developed Intelligent Tutor System for Learning Robotic Programming Course in Tertiary Institutions South East, Nigeria," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 7197 - 7204, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081286.
(b). APA Format:
Eze Blessing Ngozi , Onah Bernadine Ifeoma , Ezenma Bernard Chimezie , Chiamogu Chiakonam Charles , Chilaka Akuchinyere Eunice , Uzoegwu Chigozie Roseann , Asogwa Angela Nkechinyelugo (2020). Evaluation of a Developed Intelligent Tutor System for Learning Robotic Programming Course in Tertiary Institutions South East, Nigeria. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(12), 7197 - 7204. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081286.