Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(12), pp. 7183 - 7196
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081285
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The Mediating Role of Growth Mindset in the Causal Model of the Factors Affecting the Mathematics Learning of Ninth-Grade Students

Suntonrapot Damrongpanit *
Department of Educational Foundations and Development, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University, Thailand


The objectives included examining the mediation role of growth mindset as the causal model of the factors affecting mathematics learning outcomes of 514 ninth grade students who were measured by the national standardized scores rubric. Two models with a relationship structure of two different variables were compared: (model A) the model without a growth mindset; and the growth mindset as the mediating variable as (model B). The research tools comprised of 1) Questionnaires on factors of Growth Mindset, Achievement Motivation, Attitude towards Mathematics, Mathematical Self-Efficacy, Background Knowledge, and Mathematical Achievement with a five-point Likert scale pattern, and 2) Mathematics Aptitude test. The obtained data was analyzed by Path and Mediation analysis with Mplus 7.4 program. It was concluded that the model with a Growth Mindset as a mediating variable between factors and mathematics grades was most consistent with empirical data. The background knowledge had the highest indirect and total effect, while mathematical aptitude had the most direct effect on mathematics learning outcomes. Additionally, the growth mindset was statistically significant and had a positive direct effect on mathematics learning outcomes. All factors in the model were jointly able to explain the variance in mathematics learning outcomes by 82.90%. It also revealed that growth mindset played a role as a partial mediation in achievement motivation, mathematics background knowledge and particularly in mathematics aptitude. Therefore, the growth mindset did not only influence Mathematics learning outcomes but it also had the positive relationship linking to each key factors that helped promote students to have better performance.

Mediation, Growth Mindset, Interaction Effect, Causal Relationship, Mathematics Achievement

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Suntonrapot Damrongpanit , "The Mediating Role of Growth Mindset in the Causal Model of the Factors Affecting the Mathematics Learning of Ninth-Grade Students," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 7183 - 7196, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081285.

(b). APA Format:
Suntonrapot Damrongpanit (2020). The Mediating Role of Growth Mindset in the Causal Model of the Factors Affecting the Mathematics Learning of Ninth-Grade Students. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(12), 7183 - 7196. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081285.