Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(12), pp. 6978 - 6987
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081265
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Impact of 'Modeling' of Teaching by Competency-based Approach on the Development of Professionalization Skills of Future Moroccan Teachers

Iman Elkababi 1, Chaibia Srour 1, Azzeddine Atibi 2,*, Khadija Elkababi 2, Mohamed Radid 1, Souad Tayane 3
1 Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Materials LCPM, Faculty of Sciences Ben M’sik, Hassan II University, Casablanca-Morocco
2 Regional Center for the Professions of Education and Training, Casablanca-Settat (CRMEF), Morocco
3 The Higher National School of Arts and Crafts of Casablanca, Hassan II University of Casablanca- Morocco


Despite the fact that teaching managers are fully aware of the components of the standard framework regarding the teaching profession, their professional practice does not reflect the integrity of the content of these texts; this encourages them to improve the quality of teaching through the use of the "competency-based approach" as a teaching method at schools and at teacher training centers (CRMEFs). In the current context of improving the quality of teaching and its proper viability, this study proposes a paradigm of the method, which respects the agreed upon pedagogical guidelines and that could guarantee effective teaching. It also suggests the exploration of the relationship between the "competency-based approach" and the development of communication skills, autonomy and self-confidence among teacher trainees. A modeling of the "competency-based approach" (CBA) teaching method has been carried out and tested with trainee teachers in physical sciences in secondary education to ensure its feasibility and effectiveness. Through this study, we proved that the implementation of this modeling contributed to the improvement of professionalization skills among new teachers.

Modeling of the "Competency-based Approach" (CBA), Experimentation, Feasibility and Efficiency, Skills Development, Teacher-Trainees

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Iman Elkababi , Chaibia Srour , Azzeddine Atibi , Khadija Elkababi , Mohamed Radid , Souad Tayane , "Impact of 'Modeling' of Teaching by Competency-based Approach on the Development of Professionalization Skills of Future Moroccan Teachers," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 6978 - 6987, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081265.

(b). APA Format:
Iman Elkababi , Chaibia Srour , Azzeddine Atibi , Khadija Elkababi , Mohamed Radid , Souad Tayane (2020). Impact of 'Modeling' of Teaching by Competency-based Approach on the Development of Professionalization Skills of Future Moroccan Teachers. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(12), 6978 - 6987. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081265.