Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(12), pp. 6641 - 6650
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081228
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Usage of Information Communication Technologies for Training Prospective Mathematics Teachers in the Context of Dual System of Education in Ukraine
Olha Matiash , Liubov Mykhailenko *, Alina Voievoda , Liudmyla Nakonechna , Ihor Kalashnikov , Viacheslav Olshevskyi
Department of Algebra and Mathematics Teaching Methods, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
On the base of the analysis of the state of mathematical and pedagogical education, the importance of the dual form of education for the training of the prospective mathematics teachers in Ukraine is explained. The advantages of combining the university education with the work place training are highlighted. The experience of the education systems of the USA and the Netherlands, regarding the training of the prospective mathematics teachers at the work place at school, has been analyzed. It is substantiated that the relevance of the dual form of education for training of mathematics teachers will promote the development and testing of specialized learning and teaching support materials for the students in the condition of dual education. Electronic didactic project of the lesson in mathematics, developed and tested by the authors is presented as the electronic tool, intended for practical training, namely, as computer-based functional, its main function is to create the conditions for individual activity and information interaction between the teacher and the student in the process of formation skills of future teachers of mathematics, needed for preparation for the mathematics lesson. By the results of the survey of the experts, it has been determined that the training of the future mathematics teachers to prepare for the lessons of mathematics with the help of the suggested electronic didactic projects of the lessons enables to form the ability to prepare viable project of the lesson; creates the conditions for rapid and efficient methodical aid from the experienced teachers; teaches to take into consideration various components in the process of the lessons preparation; makes comprehend each structural component of the lesson. The conclusion is made, regarding the possibility and expediency of applying the suggested electronic didactic projects of the lessons to provide the efficient methodical training of the future teachers in the conditions of the dual education.
Prospective Mathematics Teacher, Dual Education, Information-Communication Technologies, Methodological Support, Training of Future Specialists, Electronic Didactic Project of the Mathematics Lesson
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[1] Olha Matiash , Liubov Mykhailenko , Alina Voievoda , Liudmyla Nakonechna , Ihor Kalashnikov , Viacheslav Olshevskyi , "Usage of Information Communication Technologies for Training Prospective Mathematics Teachers in the Context of Dual System of Education in Ukraine," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 6641 - 6650, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081228.
(b). APA Format:
Olha Matiash , Liubov Mykhailenko , Alina Voievoda , Liudmyla Nakonechna , Ihor Kalashnikov , Viacheslav Olshevskyi (2020). Usage of Information Communication Technologies for Training Prospective Mathematics Teachers in the Context of Dual System of Education in Ukraine. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(12), 6641 - 6650. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081228.