Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(11B), pp. 6313 - 6326
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082271
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The Role Realization and Its Relationship with Personal Responsibility among the Trainee Counselors

Basem Mohammed Al-Frehat 1,*, Ali Saleh Jarwan 2, Rami Abdallah Tashtoush 2, Alaaaddeen Mohammad Obaidat 2
1 Department of Educational Sciences, Ajloun University College, Al Balqa Applied University, Jordan
2 Department of Counselling and Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Yarmouk University, Jordan


The study aimed to identify the levels of realization of the role and personal responsibility among trainee counselors. It also highlighted the relationship between them to know the differences between the levels of the role realization and personal responsibility according to the academic achievement variable. To achieve this, they conducted the study upon (132) male and female trainee counselors who were selected by the intentionally randomized method. The researchers applied the two scales of the role realization and personal responsibility to the study sample. The researchers developed the role realization scale by making use of the tasks and duties of the educational counselor in the Jordanian Ministry of Education. Also, the researchers used the scale of personal responsibility prepared by (Ali and Ahmad, 2016) [5] to comprise 24 items. The results showed that the levels of the role realization and personal responsibility of the trainee counselors were at a high level. And there was no statistically significant difference between the levels of the role realization and personal responsibility because of the academic achievement variable. Besides, the results showed the existence of a statistically significant positive relationship between the role realization and personal responsibility of the trainee counselors.

Personal Responsibility, The Role Realization, Trainee Counselors

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Basem Mohammed Al-Frehat , Ali Saleh Jarwan , Rami Abdallah Tashtoush , Alaaaddeen Mohammad Obaidat , "The Role Realization and Its Relationship with Personal Responsibility among the Trainee Counselors," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 11B, pp. 6313 - 6326, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082271.

(b). APA Format:
Basem Mohammed Al-Frehat , Ali Saleh Jarwan , Rami Abdallah Tashtoush , Alaaaddeen Mohammad Obaidat (2020). The Role Realization and Its Relationship with Personal Responsibility among the Trainee Counselors. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(11B), 6313 - 6326. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082271.