Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(11B), pp. 5816 - 5823
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082215
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Investigating Factors that Promote Higher Order Thinking Skills in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Integrated Classes

Malathi Letchumanan 1,*, Sharifah Kartini Said Husain 1, Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Ayub 2, Kien Tsong Chau 3, Fakhry Ilham Mohd Radzi 3, Inn Ching Heng 3
1 Institute for Mathematical Research, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
2 Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
3 Centre for Instructional Technology and Multimedia, University Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia


The current industry environment demands employees to have higher order thinking skills (HOTS). Thus, higher learning institutions should play an important role to inculcate HOTS among learners. Integration of ICT is believed to promote HOTS among learners effectively. However, existing literature in the Malaysian context shows that not many academicians understand the concepts of HOTS. Furthermore, academicians are not integrating ICT in their classrooms to promote HOTS among learners. Hence, this study aims to investigate academicians’ awareness and knowledge level of HOTS, and the factors that influence the use of ICT by academicians in promoting HOTS among learners. This study used the survey method to collect data. Thirty-five academicians from a local public university participated in the study. Data were collected via questionnaire. Descriptive and thematic analyses were carried out to analyse the data. The results showed that the majority of respondents have low awareness level and knowledge about HOTS. Meanwhile, it is also noted that most of the academicians did not integrate HOTS elements in their courses. All the respondents integrated ICT in their classrooms and believed that ICT could promote HOTS. The findings also showed that learner factor such as attitude towards technology, self-efficacy and instructor factor such as technology competency strongly influenced the use of ICT by the respondents to promote HOTS among learners. This study could contribute in terms of expanding readers’ understanding on the academicians’ awareness and knowledge level of HOTS and the factors that can contribute to enhancing HOTS among learners in ICT integrated classes.

Technology, Junior Academicians, ICT, Integration, Higher Order Thinking

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Malathi Letchumanan , Sharifah Kartini Said Husain , Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Ayub , Kien Tsong Chau , Fakhry Ilham Mohd Radzi , Inn Ching Heng , "Investigating Factors that Promote Higher Order Thinking Skills in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Integrated Classes," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 11B, pp. 5816 - 5823, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082215.

(b). APA Format:
Malathi Letchumanan , Sharifah Kartini Said Husain , Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Ayub , Kien Tsong Chau , Fakhry Ilham Mohd Radzi , Inn Ching Heng (2020). Investigating Factors that Promote Higher Order Thinking Skills in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Integrated Classes. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(11B), 5816 - 5823. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082215.